Managing resilience and vulnerabilities of connected systems in the era of 4IR & Society 5.0

Managing resilience and vulnerabilities of connected systems in the era of 4IR and Society 5.0

Managing resilience and vulnerabilities of connected systems in the era of 4IR & Society 5.0

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Managing resilience and vulnerabilities of connected systems in the era of 4IR and Society 5.0 by Prof. Joe E Amadi-Echendu

In general, connected systems encompass our ecological, physical, technological and socio-political worlds. Given that the era of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and Society 5.0 is characterized by the fusing of these worlds, then ‘socio-technical cyber physical systems’ represent an intriguing class of connected systems. Social systems depend on, and utilize cyber physical systems to serve humanity, hence, cyber physical systems are inextricably interwoven with social systems such that the resilience and vulnerabilities of social and cyber physical systems are intertwined and interdependent. Increasing cyber security concerns clearly support the notion of socio-technical cyber physical systems.

Resilience is a principle of the sustainability paradigm and an imperative for managing the development of connected systems. This keynote provokes a multidisciplinary discourse on how to manage the resilience of emergent socio-technical cyber physical systems as cyber security concerns prevail.

Four imperatives are proposed for managing the resilience cum vulnerabilities of connected systems in this era of 4IR and Society 5.0.

Keywords—Connected systems, Resilience management, Vulnerability management, Cyber security, Socio-technical cyber physical systems

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